GRACE CANCER SUPPORT (GCS) wants to journey with and meet the needs of cancer patients and caregivers so they can lead meaningful lives.

We welcome members and non-members to be part of this community.

Join us as we support and encourage each other through:

  • Visits to homes, hospitals, hospices;
  • Practical help such as home-cooked meals and transport;
  • Support meetings on zoom and/or onsite;
  • Connections through chat groups and prayer requests.

We also welcome volunteers to serve with us in this cancer care ministry. Join us if you are a:

  • Cancer survivor (or with your caregiver) OR
  • Individual with relevant skills and experiences.

You can contribute as befrienders, disciplers, counsellors, coaches, home chefs, drivers, and more. Training for specific roles will be provided.

恩典癌症支持事工 (GCS) 希望与癌症患者和护理人员并肩作战,满足他们的需求,使他们能够过上有意义的生活

我们欢迎会友或非会友前来来加入我们,成为我们群体的一部份 – 让我们彼此扶持和互相鼓励。


  • 到家庭、医院、临终关怀中心探访;
  • 提供实际帮助如预备居家餐食和交通服务等;
  • 在 zoom 和/或现场的活动中提供协助;
  • 通过支持小组团契和相互祈祷来联系。


  • 癌症幸存者 (或与护理人员一起)或
  • 具有相关技能和经验的个人。
