Pastor in Charge:
Rev Rosita (Rose) Leonardo-Cristobal
Licensed Minister of Assemblies of God in Singapore

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We are honored to have a few moments to introduce you to Grace Filipino Ministry and the wonderful people who call this community their home. Whether you’re just browsing or are searching out for a place to worship, we’re delighted to have you here. To give you some idea of what we’re all about, please feel free to explore this website. We look forward to worshipping with you soon.
A Message From The Senior Pastor

Grace Assembly is a multi-generation, multi-cultural and multi-language church. It is a missional family church where different cultures and nationalities gather together to worship our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am especially thankful to God for our brothers and sisters in the Grace Filipino Ministry. They are a group of talented people, who are passionate and zealous for God.
God is faithful. Over the years, we have seen the Grace Filipino Ministry growing from strength to strength, and I believe it will continue to move forward strongly under the leadership of Pastor Rosita and Nap.
My prayer for the Grace Filipino Ministry is, ‘More Filipinos, More Like JESUS’. To God be the glory! Amen!
Rev Dr Wilson Teo
Senior Pastor
Pastor's Welcome Message

Welcome to Grace Assembly of God – Grace Filipino Ministry!
We are glad you have come to visit our website today. We hope that you will find it useful as you search for a home church in which you could worship God in spirit and in truth. Grace Filipino Ministry is Christ centered, Bible based, and Spirit filled gathering of believers who meet to worship God and who desires to grow in faith. Our vision is to see “More Filipinos More like Jesus”. We exist to love God and love people. We are committed to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to all Filipinos in Singapore and to inspire in them a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness and a consciousness to love others.
Grace Filipino Ministry offers ministries to people of all ages, from children to senior adults. Currently, we have two worship services on every Sunday, cell groups in various places, discipleship classes, leadership trainings and prayer meetings. Please feel free to learn about us through our website. We would love to hear from you. Please give us a call, drop us an email or visit us.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
Rev Rosita (Rose) Leonardo-Cristobal
More Filipinos, More Like Jesus
F – Family of God in Singapore
I – Inspiring Filipinos to
L – Love God wholeheartedly
I – Instilling love and care for one another
P – Pursuing God’s standard
I – In every areas of life
N – Nurturing each other in faith, love and
O – Obedience to God
- Intercessory Prayer – expressing our thanksgiving and communion with God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ.
- Impactful Worship Service – expressing our deep love and devotion to God through inspired songs and musical instruments.
- Intentional Discipleship – expressing our desire to learn and live the Word of God through caring and Bible based teaching.
- Incarnational Outreach – expressing our partnership with God in missional living through sharing the Gospel to the Filipino community
- Intimate Small Groups – expressing our love and strong fellowship through Grace groups in various places.