FamilyLife@Grace is a ministry dedicated to restore and empower families to fulfill their God-given purpose.  God has called families to be the salt and light to the world.  Thus, every GRACE FAMILY is called to become a MISSIONAL FAMILY – to be the gospel in our communities.

We seek to fulfill this purpose in 2 ways. First, to restore to wholeness broken marriages, broken families and broken Individuals.  Second, to empower Husbands and wives to love each other deeply, Fathers to take up their spiritual leadership at home, Parents to take up their Godly responsibility to raise Godly kids and Families to be a gospel to their communities. To fulfill this purpose holistically, we are establishing 4 different components in FamilyLife@Grace – Married Life, Parenting Life, Restored Life & Life Resources.

Married Life

MARRIED LIFE seeks to strengthen marriages by building a movement to transform couples from simply being husband and wife, to become lovers for life. We have couples who are interested, not only in enriching their own marriage, but also to help nurture other couples. We call them Marriage Partners. They are trained to help strengthen and enrich marital relationships and to build a strong family.

Parenting Life

PARENTING LIFE seeks to restore parents to fulfill their God-given role by empowering them to be passionate and effective in teaching faith to their children at home. We empower parents through our missional parenting discipleship track and our parents support groups to impart Godly parenting principles and practical skills needed to accomplish their Godly responsibility.

Restored Life

RESTORED LIFE seeks to provide holistic healing to individuals and families. We have both wholeness ministry and clinical counseling to address these deep issues with families, couples and individuals. In the wholeness ministry, we use an integrated approach – “Restoring The Foundations (RTF)” to provide a complete and systematic way to be healed, delivered and set free. In clinical counseling, we have associate counselors in church and full-time counselors at our counseling centre-Reach Counseling@Marymount to provide the needed professional help.

Life Resources

LIFE RESOURCES seeks to nourish the Spiritual Life of individuals and families through a wide range of Christian literature and tools to continually sharpen their minds to battle the daily challenges of living out their faith.  We have books and DVDs available on loan. These resources cover a host of topics, from strengthening marriages, managing the home, effective parenting children and Christian living for individuals of all ages.


Marriage Preparation & Discipleship Programme (MPDP)


MPDP is a holistic marriage discipleship process to prepare young couples as they enter into marriage. It is our desire to set them on the right foot as they start their life journey together. This discipleship process provides couples with biblical and practical principles to build God-centred marriages. Pastors and Marriage Mentors will journey alongside them as they begin their marriage life.

Overview of Curriculum

  • Two runs per year
    • Estimated 10 pre-marital couples per run
  • Size of Small Group session
    • One Marriage Mentor to 2-3 pre-marital couples
  • Number of sessions
    • 1 combined session, 5 small group lessons and 3 individual couple mentoring sessions
  • Frequency
    • Fortnightly – to give couples sufficient time to complete assignments
  • Duration
    • 16 weeks (3.5 months)
  • 1st Lesson (Combined Session)
    • Theological Foundation of marriage taught by Pastors
  • 5 Small Group Sessions
    • Group facilitation sessions by Marriage Mentors
    • Two practical skills taught per session with reference to the book 10 Great Dates before you say “I Do”.
  • 3 individual couple session
    • Deal with any outstanding issues from the previous 5 small group sessions
    • Personality Profiling of each couple (Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis ®)
    • Debrief “Prepare and Enrich” (Couples Checkup) Assessment Tool
  • Post-Wedding Follow Up by Marriage Mentors:
    • 2 mentoring sessions (one at 6 months mark and another at 12 months mark)
    • Additional mentoring sessions can be arranged upon couples’ request

 Pre-Course Assignment

One month before the commencement of the programme, all registered couples are required to complete 2 pre-marital assignment tools online. To complete these online assignment tools, participants will receive an email notification containing the necessary instructions. The assignments are:

  • Couple Check-up: The Couples Check-up celebrates the different areas of strength and identifies the areas to be worked on to strengthen the marital relationship. Upon completion of the questionnaire, a report will be generated. Please email a copy to
  • Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis ® (TJTA): TJTA is a convenient and professional assessment instrument and counselling tool to determine individual personality and adjustment profile. This will help couples to understand themselves and their partners better and highlight potential relationship growth areas especially through the Criss-Cross feature.


  • Run 1: *8, 22 Feb; 8, 22 Mar, 5, 19 Apr; 3, 17, 31 May 2025 Registration closed
  • Run 2: *5, 19 Jul; 2, 16, 30 Aug; 13, 27 Sep; 11, 25 Oct 2025

Day & Time: Saturday / 10am – 12:30pm

Venue: First session will be conducted *on-site at Grace@Tanglin and the subsequent sessions will be conducted at the marriage mentor’s home.

Date of Registration: 1 – 30 Nov 2024 (Run 1) / 1 Nov 2024 – 30 Apr 2025 (Run 2)

Important note: 

  • Priority will be given to those getting married within the next 2 years.
  • MPDP is suitable for couples who are engaged and preparing for marriage.

To register, please download the following forms, fill in and email to :

Requirements for Solemnisation by Grace Assembly Pastors

All couples who desire to be married at Grace Assembly of God premises or outside of the church, and be solemnised by our Grace Assembly pastors must take note of the following:

  • Couples must attend MPDP as a compulsory pre-requisite.
  • Couples (Gracian) must be water baptised or already signed up to be baptised, enrol in MPDP and attend Grace AG for at least 6 months.
  • Couples are advised to register for MPDP at least one year before their intended wedding or solemnisation date.
  • All MPDP sessions are compulsory.
  • Grace Assembly will only confirm the booking of church wedding venue and a solemniser upon the couple’s completion of MPDP.
  • Upon signing up for MPDP, couples can download the Wedding Venue Booking form to do a tentative booking. The wedding venue booking timeline will be at least 6 months and above.
  • Couples can only confirm their venue booking upon full completion of MPDP and getting the approval of their Pastor-In-Charge.


Please make your payment via PayNow with the below QR Code. You need to indicate your names and the description, for example ‘1st MPDP Run 2024’.

Course fee of $150 per couple must be submitted before the closing date.
For further enquiries, please contact us at 64100800 or email

Restored to Wholeness Seminar

About the Restored to Wholeness (RTW) Course

Level 1 – Introduction to Inner Healing & Deliverance  

This course empowers believers to walk free from spiritual bondage so that they can fulfil God’s calling and destiny for their lives. They will:

  1. understand the scriptural basis for God’s deliverance and healing.
  2. understand how the enemy works to trap us and keep us bound.
  3. learn to pray for themselves through discovering the Father heart of God, knowing the authority of Jesus and hearing  the voice of the Holy Spirit

Pre-Requisite: Only for those who have attended Grace Assembly for at least 3 months.

Level 2 – Dealing with Prevalent Issues

Focuses on dealing with issues such as abandonment and rejection, sexuality, abuse & trauma, shame-fear-control, unbelief, unworthiness

This course enables the believers to deal with the above prevalent spiritual issues  They will:

  1.  understand these issues from biblical perspectives and how the enemy use them to rob us of our God-given destiny
  2.  learn the ways to break these deep hidden issues through inner healing & deliverance prayers.

Pre-Requisite: Must have completed Level 1: Introduction to Inner Healing & Deliverance

Download Path to Wholeness Booklet

The ALPHA Parenting Course

Who is the course for?
The course is open for any parent with children aged between 0 to 10 years and for parents to be. The course, while based on Christian principles, is relevant and helpful for any parent with or without a Christian faith or church background. Parents will learn to equip their children for life by looking at:

Session 1: Building Strong Foundation
Session 2: Meeting our Children’s Needs
Session 3: Setting Boundaries
Session 4: Teaching Healthy Relationships
Session 5: Our Long Term Aim

Look out for the upcoming course.