Rev. Dr. Wilson Teo
Senior Pastor
As I read the letters in this e-book, containing testimonies and stories shared by different ones who have been involved in Grace Missions in the last 40 years, I am deeply moved by God’s faithfulness and His providence. He had provided wisdom and courage to our early leaders and missionaries to make missions a focal point in the foundational years of Grace Assembly of God. Through their obedience, Grace Missions has carried out many missions both locally and globally and the church has been richly blessed.
As the torchbearers today, we must continue this important work with fervour. In this ever-changing world, our mission remains constant, which is to fulfill the Great Commission within and beyond the shores of Singapore. This is articulated through the Grace Missions’ thrust — the 3Ps: Plant churches, Prepare leaders and Propel people.
Personally, I believe that missions work is about loving others. We need to deepen the relationship with our mission partners through giving, engagement, and collaboration. The pandemic has thrown challenges at us, but God will always help us to adjust and adapt. It is very encouraging to witness how, despite travel restrictions, we have been able to use technology to continue to reach out and work with our missions partners in the different nations. Their determination and eagerness to be equipped and to be discipled, has truly been encouraging.
This e-book captures many humble beginnings of how our missionaries started, with apprehension and doubt. Some of them took small steps first and bigger steps later. Others applied their professional skills to contribute in different ways. I am heartened by how God never ceases to multiply the works of their hands. Truly, the giver will be given!
Despite the pandemic, God’s plan among the nations has not ceased. God is still using Grace Missions to proclaim the Gospel to the nations, and even locally in Singapore. Therefore, we must continue to intercede, involve, and invest our time, talents, and treasures. Let us make disciples of Jesus Christ within and beyond the church walls!

Pastor Steve Tan
Head, Grace Missions
Journeying with God — Past, Present & Future
The mission remains, but the methods may change. A familiar phrase that has been reiterated recently, yet it is so true as we reflect on how God has led Grace Missions in the past 40 years.
God’s Impact, in and through Grace Missions
Grace Missions is now involved in missions works in 12 nations across South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. We have witnessed how God has worked in and through Grace Missions in planting churches, preparing leaders, and propelling people.
With over 2,300 churches being planted, and regional missions hubs set up to train leaders and to coordinate missions activities, Grace Missions has been part of a greater whole in making an impact for the Gospel.
Throughout the years, many Gracians have been propelled to step up and step out to serve in missions trips too. With the involvement and investment of time, talents, and treasures by Gracians, many lives are blessed and transformed during these short-term missions trips.
Apart from supporting the church planters financially and ensuring sustainability through seed funds, Grace Missions has also reached out to other areas of need in the local communities through medical missions, community projects like constructing of toilets and wells, and disaster relief efforts such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and Covid-19. These acts of love and compassion help alleviate the circumstances of our missions partners and church planters in the communities and more importantly, exemplify Christlikeness to those around them.
New Opportunities in Digital and Local Missions
Even during this unprecedented time, missions work continues in the pandemic! Grace Missions has pivoted to the usage of digital technology, where many online training and virtual missions trips were conducted. We have equipped our partners digitally, so that we can connect with them relationally.
God has opened doors for us to reach out to our migrant workers in local missions too. For such a time as this, a missionary is not someone who crosses the sea, but someone who sees the Cross. Many Gracians have faithfully interceding and involving in missions. Apart from volunteering in online and local missions, others have also signed up for the Kairos course to understand more about missions as God’s redemptive plan.
We believe that this pandemic has brought about new opportunities for Grace Missions to make disciples of all nations. While churches may be closed, God has opened one in every home. Moving forward in the post-pandemic world, we are excited where God will be leading us in this journey of next 40 years.
We know that God is faithful, and will be leading and directing our path ahead, as long as we remain obedient to the Great Commission. May we go from strength to strength, and from glory to glory.
We welcome you, to be part of Grace Missions history and legacy, in reaching out to More People, More Like Jesus. To God be the glory!
Chief Editor:
Victor Yen
Editor (English):
Selina Esther Lim
Translator and Proofreaders (Chinese):
Rev. Siew Woh Kit
Ps. Wang Zixuan
Lee Lai Mun
Calar Sim
Lydia Leung
Melody Leung
Valarie Wang
Kwan Cailyn
Layout Designer:
Kua Ling
Rev. Dr. Wilson Teo
Ps. Steve Tan
Alvin Tan
Rev. Lim Bee Ngor
Soon Kim Tat
Ricky Lui
Rev. Scott Tey
Geraldine Ng
Caleb Khoo
Dr. Lawrence Soh
Rev. Chan P Y
Rev. Au Wai Ching
Ps. S E
Jacinth Toh
Rev. R Wee
Rev. Rosita Leonardo Cristobal
Ps. Frederick Ang
William Hioe
Faith Lek
Tan Siew Kuan