Journeying with God in Missions
By Pastor Frederick Ang

Preaching site under a tree
I remembered an Indian church planter who had severe diabetes, but his illness did not affect his service to God. In spite of his illness, he was very active in sharing the Gospel, fervently preaching and leading people to the Lord Jesus. Once, when I visited him in India, he took me to eight locations where he preached. They were all under coconut trees. At one of the spots, about three hundred people came to hear his sermon. This made me realise that what God has called me to do in my life pales in comparison to His call on this person who is sick, but yet, seemed to have no pain. I am ashamed but this also showed me that I had no excuse, and that I need to be more active in my service to God.

Praying for church planting pastor
Hope through Sacrifice
I am glad that within a few years, due to the efforts of Grace Missions, many believers in the South Asian countries had committed themselves to serve God full-time and planted almost 500 churches. Through evangelism, they had reached many souls and helped lead them to Christ. Several church planters were even able to build their own physical church buildings and some have been promoted to regional leaders.
I miss my family very much whenever I leave home and go into the missions field. However, having seen the great results and the many people coming to the Lord Jesus, no matter how great the sacrifice, it is worth it. I had seen many servants of God being persecuted, stripped naked in the streets and beaten. How do I compare my sacrifice to what they had gone through?
Ps. Frederick Ang was the Director of Missions in South Asia from January 2004 to the end of 2010. Besides planting churches, Ps. Ang had also trained and mobilised teams for missions work.