We are His Vessels
An Interview with Rev Dr Wilson Teo, by Faith Lek

Faith interviewing Ps. Wilson online
To Adapt, Equip and Engage
Over the 40 years of Grace Missions, we are so blessed to have seen God’s faithfulness and His providence. Grace Missions has carried out many missions both locally and globally. We have sought to deepen the relationship with our missions partners and to continue the Lord’s work at the local front with our missions thrust: the 3Ps — Plant churches, Prepare leaders and Propel people.
In this ever-changing world, the depth and width of Grace Missions is continually refined and reshaped at all fronts. Yet, our mission remains constant — to fulfill the Great Commission within and beyond the shores of Singapore.
With the changes that have been thrown at us, especially with the pandemic, it is truly by the grace of God that we have been continuously empowered by the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the Lord’s love through our giving. It is by His grace that He has given us the perspective to see the changes as new opportunities created and given us wisdom to adjust, to adapt and to engage the world in other creative, innovative and meaningful ways.
It is incredible to witness how we have adapted and pivoted our focus on utilising technology to continue to reach out. Though it has been challenging to coordinate and collaborate with our missions partners overseas, their determination to adapt and their eagerness to be equipped and to be discipled has made the journey so fruitful and encouraging.
Missions Work Continues in Pandemic
Locally, Grace Missions has also partnered with SG Accident Help Centre to reach out to our fellow migrant workers, providing the support that they need by alleviating the loneliness and anxiety felt by them. Besides holding computer classes and using Zoom to teach conversational English, Grace Missions also celebrated festive occasions online and on-site with them as well. I even know of some of my peers who participated and am always so encouraged to hear of the experiences and conversations that they have been blessed by.
How we seek to love our neighbours and to propel God’s word to the nations by just demonstrating genuine and practical love reminds me of James 2:15-16, “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” We, as ambassadors of Christ, cannot be passive but be active in extending the kingdom of God, even in the simplest ways of loving in tangible ways.
Other than keeping Grace Missions in prayer and giving financially, Gracians can get actively involved too! There are many outreaches that have been organised and online missions trips that are conducted in collaboration with our partners. Though it might not be the same, this is the best we can do to be near to where the people are and to do whatever we can to minister to them.
In God’s Perfect Timing
We would have thought that the pandemic would slow us down in the missions field but in fact, it is in His perfect timing that the Lord works — His will still prevails and continues to work wonders. His plan among the nations has not ceased. God has used Grace Missions as His vessel and is still working through Grace Missions to proclaim the Gospel to the nations.
Therefore, be fuelled by the love of Christ, be empowered by the Holy Spirit and go forth to make disciples of Jesus Christ within and beyond the church walls!
Rev. Dr. Wilson Teo is the Senior Pastor of Grace Assembly of God.