If you have any other questions related to J333 prayer meetings, please write to us at church@graceaog.org.
如果您还有其他关于J333祷告会的问题,请致电邮church@graceaog.org 与我们联系。
What do we hope to achieve with this J333 prayer movement?
We hope to mobilise more Gracians to pray, inspire Gracians to pray more, and equip Gracians to lead J333 prayer meetings.
我们期望动员更多的恩友祷告,激励恩友更多祷告,并装备恩友带领在线上 J333祷告会。
How do I retrieve the online meeting room password if I’m not part of any Grace Groups?
Please email us at church@graceaog.org, or call 6410 0800 to ask for the password in advance. Alternatively, you may also contact your pastors / leaders to retrieve the password.
For security reasons, please note that the password for the Zoom meeting room will be changed periodically. As such, we may also verify your identity as a Gracian before releasing the password to you. Thank you for your understanding!
你发电邮至 church@graceaog.org 或致电 6410 0800 索取密码。此外外,您也可以与您的区牧/组长联系以获取密码。
出于安全原因,请注意,在线J333平台的密码将定期更改。同时,在向您告知密码之前,我们也可能会验证您的身份为 Gracian。谢谢您的谅解!
Why do we unmute everyone’s microphones in some segments during J333 online?
This practice of praying out loud and affirming each other is similar to how we pray at onsite J333 meetings. However, you are free to mute yourself or turn down your device volume during these spontaneous segments if you prefer. Either way, a church that prays together stays together.
这种大声祷告和彼此认同的做法类似于现场 J333 祷告会的方式。然而,您也可以在这时段自发选择关闭麦克风或降低音量。无论哪种方式,祷告的教会是合一的教会。
When does Online J333 take place?
Every Wednesday at 8pm at https://www.graceaog.org/online-j333/. English prayer sessions will be held on the 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Mandarin sessions will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.
If there is a 5th Wednesday, it will be a bilingual session.
All Gracians are welcome to join us for any of the sessions.
每逢星期三,晚上8点,通过此网页进行https://www.graceaog.org/online-j333/。英语在线祷告会将在每个月的第三个星期三举行。 华语在线祷告则在在每个月的第二和第四个星期三举行。
Where can I access the online J333 meeting room?
You can access the online J333 meeting room here: https://www.graceaog.org/online-j333/.
Due to security reasons, password for the meeting room would be changed periodically. You may check with your leaders and / or pastors for the new password.
在哪里可以进入在线 J333 平台?
您可以在此处进入在线 J333 平台:https://www.graceaog.org/online-j333/。
Where can I submit my prayer request online?
You can do so here: https://www.graceaog.org/prayer-box/
Feel free to submit intercession requests as well. However, do take note to protect the identity of third parties.
Can I choose to keep my submissions confidential?
Yes, you can! Please select the confidential option in the submission form. A pastor would get in touch with you to pray with you over the phone.