Prayer Pointers


By July 1, 2019 No Comments

July Prayer Pointers

In July, let’s pray for the Key thrust: Expanding into the world:

1) Pray for godly wisdom and discernment amongst the Grace Missions leadership to make decisions aligned to God’s will for the nations.

2)Pray for all the country directors in Grace Missions to be empowered by God to continue laboring together with on-the-field partners to reach and disciple the unreached for Jesus.

3)Pray for the Lord to stir within the hearts of Gracians to start taking interest in the matters of the world and to catch on the heartbeat of God’s global redemption.

4)Pray for our missionaries on the field to gain favour with the locals and authorities, that in all they do, people can see the love and light of Jesus and be drawn to it.

5)Pray for our local partners and church planters to continue to be built up in the kingdom of God, for God to meet their every need wholistically.