Welcome to the Wall of Faith. 欢迎来到信心长墙!

In this space, you can view the prayer requests, testimonies or prayers answered as well as words of encouragement from Gracians! As you view this wall, we would like to encourage you to pray for others and take heart for the testimonies and encouragements posted. 在这里,你可以看到代祷事项,蒙应允的祷告和见证,以及来自恩友的的勉励。 当你观览这幅墙时,我们邀请你来为他人代祷,并被这些见证和勉励得鼓舞。

Let us continue to press on in prayer and spur each other unto love and good deeds! 让我们持续续告,彼此激励活出爱!

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My friend’s child (15 years old) played with candles and “spirits” 3.5 years ago. She felt that “spirits” followed her and could see them . Did not want to go school, hooked on phone and internet, turning night into day. Behaviour getting worse and worse.
Please pray together that God can deliver and set her free from this
Thank you very much
God bless

/ / Prayer Request 代祷事项

God, please take charge of my life once again. Let my anger be gone. Amen


感恩基督徒們對我説: 耶穌是又真又活是我的供應者保護者醫治者拯救者是行神蹟的神?懇請代禱加持可親自體驗 神無條件長濶高深的愛& 可深深的體驗到神無法測度的愛?我無法理解所認識的基督徒為何喜歡喊口號説:耶穌愛妳~請加持禱告可真實經歷耶穌永不離棄的愛永遠同在的愛&可親身親自真的經歷經驗 神白白不求回報的愛 ! 謝謝您 ?好期望強烈的感受到 神真的好愛我對我真好,不要只是洗腦&理論&口頭上睜眼説瞎話不切實際甜言蜜語, 謝謝您

渴望真的被上帝所愛的人 敬上

Pray that I will have job replacement soon as my current job ends this month end June. Got 3 children to take care thus very worried.

Praise God that I have been transferred from ICU to general ward. I have TTP (blood disorders). It has been in remission for many years and it’s now relapse. It’s affecting my platelet, skin, kidney.

Pls pray for God’s hand to be on me. That He’ll give me mercy, grace and strength to to go through this difficult time. That my body is protected from the side effects of the medicine especially the high doses of steroid. Pray that God will restores my health and my kidney function to normal again. Thks. God bless.

Praise God that I have been discharged. Please continue to pray that my small intestine will quickly adapt to more absorption of fluids. Currently is at the border. Doc said I should be doing about 1000cc of liquid waste but I have exceeded. He hopes to see more mushy stuff. Hence using low dose of medicine to control digestion. Please pray that my wounds – surgical cut, stoma area will all heal well without infection. Please pray that I will be managed quickly and effectively by the medical team. Pray that when I start on immunosuppressant therapy, there will be no complication and my previous lung cancer episode will not be reactivated. Thank you.

Update on progress: Praise and thank God that since my intestine restarted, I am eating well now, on normal meals. However, the discharge in my stoma is too liquidy. I am passing too much fluid through the stoma, thus my urine output is insufficient and concentrated. It is a sign that the small intestines are not absorbing fluid and nutrients sufficiently. Please pray that the intestines will do its work to absorb what it is designed to do.
Please pray for protection over my kidneys and liver and that their functions are not affected. Thank you.

Thank you all for praying for me to recover and for the restart of my intestines. God is truly so good to me! Dr came at 8:55am while I was having my soft porridge. He was happy with the discharge and he said I can have the aspiration suction tube in my stomach removed. He is confident that my intestines are working and does not need to aspirate in 4 hrs to check. He has ordered my TPN nutrients to end at 6pm today. My post surgery drain pipe will be removed today too. PICC line will be kept for awhile more for observation till Dr is fully satisfied with me taking normal feed. Do continue in prayers that there will be no infections as the two ports need to be flushed every 8 hours. Thank you and all glory to the Lord Jesus!

An update on Jonathan Wong, my husband. Thank you for praying for him. Jonathan is feeling better, less pain and improving slowly. There is more gas and discharge in his stoma bags now. Please pray that intestinal activity will increase as it is still low and slow. He has started sipping a little water and we pray that his gastrointestinal system will accept the water well. Thank you.

I have been struggling in my thoughts for very long time. all those ungodly thoughts keep bombarding my mind. I also need healing in my ears I don’t seem to be able to focus and concentrate well, and I have poor memories. I need clarity of mind often confused. I have breathing problems, asthma and suspect heart blockages. I get tired easily and I need more strength in my body and mind.

Hi church, I am looking for a job, but it seems really tough. Submitted many resumes and been through some interviews but still no news. Can church pray with me? Thanks.
