Grace Community Outreach (GCO) is one of our church’s Strategic Pillars. We strive to bring the hope of the Gospel by reaching out to those in need in our community and beyond the church walls. We desire to be disciple-makers for Christ as we love and serve the community.

Many of our efforts are targeted at community members residing near our two campuses at Grace@Tanglin and Grace@BukitBatok. We engage them through various programmes that help the community discover purpose, maintain an active lifestyle, and address their essential needs.

We are also committed to support our seniors, the incarcerated and those battling cancer, who may feel isolated or in search of renewed purpose in their lives.

恩典社区外展(Grace Community Outreach,简称 GCO)是恩典堂战略支柱之一。我们致力于通过向社区中有需要的人伸出援手,将福音的盼望带给他们,超越教会的围墙。我们渴望成为基督的门徒导师,以爱心和服事践行信仰。



Grace Mini-mart is an initiative that regularly provides grocery items to the residents of Bukit Batok, Bukit Merah, and Telok Blangah. Basic food, household supplies and toiletries are distributed to community residents monthly.

Grace Exercise is a fitness programme for our residents. Every week, residents, both young and senior, come together across nine different locations. The exercises are tailored to cater to a wide range of fitness levels.

Grace Wellness invites our senior residents to participate in interactive games and activities! Through these activities like digital for life learning, board games, singalongs and more, our seniors can stay physically active, mentally enriched and socially engaged within the community.




Grace Cancer Support (GCS) is dedicated to walking alongside cancer patients and their caregivers, addressing their physical, mental and emotional needs.

Grace Prison Ministry (GPM) is dedicated to bringing spiritual, emotional, and social support to incarcerated individuals and their families. Our mission is to offer hope and encouragement during their time in prison and to journey with them when they reintegrate into society.

Christ’s Ambassador Fellowship (CAF) seeks to connect with a growing silver generation in Grace Assembly and reach out to the community. While CAF embraces everyone, CAF activities are tailored to the needs of our seniors. Below are what we have done and will continue to do and more.

恩典癌症支援 (GCS)致力于陪伴癌症患者及其照顾者,共同应对身体、心理和情感上的需求。

恩典监狱事工 (GPM)致力于为被监禁的个人及其家庭提供属灵、情感和社交支持。我们的使命是在他们服刑期间给予希望与鼓励,并在他们重返社会时继续陪伴和支持。

基督大使团契 (CAF)旨在与恩典堂日益增长的银发族群建立联系,并向社区进行关怀与宣教。虽然CAF欢迎所有人参与,但活动内容特别为年长群体量身定制。